Take Advantage Of Organizational Structures

It is important for a small boutique agency like the reputation management company to understand what organizational structures consist of so they know what to prepare for when they grow. Organization structure is the process of blending human and material resources through a formal structure of tasks and authority. This results in an overall structure that makes it easier for individuals and departments to work together to achieve company goals. A structured group of people working together to achieve common goals and there are three key elements that go with it including human interaction, goal-directed activities and structure. It is important for them to decide on the specific work activities needed to carry out plans and achieve these objectives, then group all work activities into a pattern or structure that makes sense then assign activities to specific employees and give them the resources they need and coordinate the activities of different groups and individuals and then finally evaluate the results of the organizing process.


When it comes to departmentalization, this involves the process of dividing work activities into units within the organization. There are five major ways in which companies departmentalize and they then choose a structure based on their organization and its goals. Product departmentalization involves being organized based on the goods and services a company offers. The geographical departmentalization is organized by geographical regions within a country or for a multinational firm or even by region throughout the world. The customer departmentalization involves it being organized by the different types of customers that the organization services. For the functional departmentalization, this is organized by business functions such as human resources, finance, production and marketing. The process departmentalization involves the organization by work processes which are necessary to complete production of goods and services. Another important thing involves being able to delegate the work assignments meaning that managers need to properly assign work to the employees. You are providing employees with the responsibility and necessary authority for them to complete their tasks and they are held accountable, or responsible for the actions and decisions that they are making.

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