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The Necessity of Wisdom Tooth Extraction to Preserve your Oral Health

The Necessity of Wisdom Tooth Extraction to Preserve your Oral Health

As everyone knows, wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come through at the back of your gums during your late teens or early twenties. By this time, because the other 28 teeth are in their place, in most cases, wisdom teeth will face a lack of enough room to perfect eruption. As a result, they can sometimes emerge at an angle or get stuck and just partially emerge, known as impacted teeth. In such cases, making an appointment to visit your dentists is the best decision because they are the only ones to give you advice on whether your wisdom teeth need to be removed or not. Continue reading to be familiar with the severe conditions necessary to remove your wisdom teeth to preserve the health of other teeth. Today, we interviewed an experienced dental specialist doing wisdom tooth extraction in downtown Vancouver in this regard.

Severe Problems Caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Among various problems that may occur to our teeth, wisdom teeth eruption may cause more harmful severe effects, which in many cases results in the need for surgical removal. Since we can bite and chew our food without those extra back teeth, we have less and less need for wisdom teeth. By knowing this fact, don’t worry if your dentists recommend wisdom teeth extraction, and you should ensure that you won’t have any dental problems without your wisdom teeth.

As we mentioned above, one of the fundamental reasons that convince your dentists to remove your wisdom teeth is the lack of enough space in your jaw for them to grow, so it causes many people’s wisdom teeth to grow in an impacted environment. Since experienced dentists have the ability and expertise to give patients the unique resources they need to make an informed choice, talking with them is necessary to consider different options before committing to dental surgery.

Generally, pain is the most common unpleasant symptom that will inform you that something is wrong. It is not only the tooth that causes discomfort; the gum around the tooth may probably hurt, and when this pain comes to wisdom teeth, it often means an infection. The fundamental reaction when you face wisdom tooth pain is that you should schedule to visit your dentists as soon as possible.

The Process of Wisdom Teeth Extraction

When your dentists decide that wisdom teeth extraction is needed for you, they will refer you to oral surgeons for a consultation. They will assess the health of your wisdom teeth and determine their exact location by taking dental x-rays. Before the surgery, sedation medication is given then the experienced and dedicated oral surgeons use special tools to loosen the teeth and lift them. After cleaning the area, they will place the stitches, which usually fall out on their own in a few days.

After the Surgery Process 

Mild discomfort accompanied by slight bleeding and swelling is expected after wisdom teeth surgery. By following some instructions recommended by your oral surgeons, these side effects can be decreased.

Possible Risks

In most cases, wisdom teeth extraction is safe and doesn’t result in long-term complications. Rarely patients may develop problems such as infection, dry sockets, and damage to the surrounding structures.

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