If you are thinking of filing a personal injury suit or hiring a personal injury lawyer, then it is imperative that you know what they would want to hear before they take your case. This is important because there have been too many instances of attorneys being blindsided in court because they missed something or their clients didn’t say something about that issue.
It is not unusual for the defendant – in this case, the insurance firm or the other party – to dig up new evidence that can throw a case in their favor. So, if your case means a lot to you – it should seeing as you are suing someone – then you had better approach your lawyer fully prepared with all the details.
The good thing is, once you enter an attorney’s office, whatever you say is bound by the attorney-client privilege. This means that even if the lawyer is not going to take your case after hearing your story, he cannot say or do anything about it because it was told to him in confidence. That said, here are the things that your lawyer needs to hear before you can move forward.
Full Disclosure
You should explain the extent of your injury, the cause and what happened. Usually, most lawyers already have an idea of what questions to ask after hearing your problems. So, you should be as detailed as possible.
For example, let’s say a client sustained a fall and broke his hips as a result of a wet floor, it is imperative that the client tell the lawyer what the possible cause of the wet floor was, if it was caused by the client himself and if they had been reporting the situation to management before the incident.
The idea is to give them a clear picture that will then help them pursue your case from all possible angles and hopefully, ensure a very positive outcome.
Have you Hired Any Lawyer in the Past?
This is to ensure that there is no conflict of interest now or in the future after the case has moved forward. If your previous or current lawyer already deals with clients or interests that are involved in your case – no matter how remotely – it could mean a conflict of interest for the law firm and will make them seem biased and partial.
This is not a good situation as it can compromise the integrity of the case and impact your outcome. So, before moving forward, tell the lawyer you are consulting with about your past lawyer and if he asks the names of those involved, provide him with the information. This way, you get to save yourself and them from a messy, unfavorable outcome.
Any Hidden Secrets
If there are any secrets or information that you know could be potentially damaging to the case if the opposition found out about it, you should tell the lawyer. We understand that most people do not want to be that vulnerable, but being completely open helps the lawyers do their jobs effectively and efficiently.
More, it helps them make a more informed decision on your case. You want a lawyer who believes in your case, not one who is halfhearted. So, tell them anything that could be potentially damning.
Injuries and Damage Caused by the Incident
If you have sustained any injuries or recorded any significant damages, you want the lawyer to know. Usually, they will ask you how the accident has impacted your life. When they do, tell them everything. If you have lost your job, gotten no compensation or are in debt because of the treatment and medical bills, let them know.
All these things are essential to helping your personal injury lawyer build a solid case against the defendant. So, it is imperative to not hold back.
About the author:
Oscar King is a blogger specializing in law and legal topics, and often reminds his audience how critical it is to be open and honest with your lawyer – afterall, they’re the ones trying to help you in this mess! If you are looking for an attorney, and happen to be in the central Florida area, he recommends visiting heil-law.com. You can learn more about him on Google+.