How Does Faithfulness Affect Our Relationship

How Does Faithfulness Affect Our Relationship

Faithfulness, is our own decision, which is to trust one another, to stay together, to raise children together if we have them. In this sense, fidelity is something valuable and always involves love. It means “respect me and be trustworthy for our common cause.” A distance counselling clinic canada is what you might need to have your relationship problems solved.

Both partners are adults who are not dependent on each other, especially not in terms of sustaining themselves in life, and are free to leave when they want, but they are there because they have made that choice. Also, they remain monogamous because they chose to do so, not because it is their inherent nature.

But when we have so reasonably and voluntarily agreed, what is the problem?

In addition to having a reason and a natural need for emotional balance, there is a huge range of emotions inside us, which are often conflicting, contradictory, and over which we have no control because we are not fully aware of them.

Being happy with our partner, our love for him, prevents us from starting other love relationships, which we don’t usually experience as compulsion as long as we love someone. However in that relationship, however, we sometimes feel the longing and the set to meet those who might be our lovers, but they never will be.

One of the reasons people cheat on each other is because they feel neglected by their partner and want to draw attention to themselves in this way by inducing jealousy. The success of this endeavor depends on many factors, one of which is very significant, which is that the target person is concerned at all.

The need to get out of a bad relationship precedes the appearance of having an affair. Accumulated resentment, chronic conflicts, injury, stress, child-rearing, fatigue, etc. they result in withdrawal as a means of protection, which then manifests itself in terms of sexuality and flight with another partner.

Some persons cannot openly confront the partner, possessiveness, control, insults, or express their dissatisfaction with the relationship generally. They can then have the idea of ​​taking revenge on their partner by cheating on them. Fraud, of course, does not make the person less angry, does not raise their confidence, does not acquire the skill to say what (does) they want, and far from making the problem solved and the relationship more nutritious for partners. In addition, there is a sense of guilt when a person understands why he or she cheated. The experience of guilt once felt by those who cheated can be so powerful that it disrupts their quality of life, long after they have left the relationship in which they cheated, and often regardless of whether they have been forgiven. The person feels guilty because he or she has a moral thermostat, the guilt restores the cognitive balance that is shaken by the act of deception.

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