The Four Main Uses Of Fumed Silica

Fumed silica has many applications and is used widely by many industries. They are used as abrasive, desiccant and as thickening agents. Their light diffusing property makes them utilized in manufacturing cosmetics. They are used in liquids to increase its viscosity. They are found in many things that we use on a day-to-day basis including toothpastes! Fumed silica exporter in India offers you high quality fumed silica that can be used in manufacturing a vast range of products. You can gather it and use it in manufacturing A-one products that satisfy your customers well.

The major uses of fumed silica are:

  • It works as a desiccant
  • It works as an anti caking agent and is used with powders
  • It is used to increase the viscosity of liquids like paints
  • It is used as a light diffuser in cosmetics
  • It is used in cement concrete

It works as a desiccant

It is used as a desiccant. Desiccants are used to absorb the moisture around them. Therefore they are used in packages which have to be always maintained dry. They safeguard the products that have to be shipped – away from moisture – and thereby uphold its quality until it reaches your customer. Thus the fumed silica helps in sustaining the product quality and assists customer satisfaction.

It works as an anti caking agent and is used with powders

It can be seen that some powders get spoilt because of various factors in the environment. The caking of a powder can be prevented by using fumed silica. Fumed silica does not allow the spoiling of powder with which it is used by covering the powder particles. Thus it keeps the powder particles away from growing together and forming cakes. The same is the reason behind the usage of fumed silica as an anti caking agent in powders.

It is used to increase the viscosity of liquids like paints

Fumed silica is also used in liquids like paints for increasing its viscosity. It helps in thickening the paint and adds transparency to it. Buy fumed silica and adjust the viscosity of your paint so that it can be spread nicely on walls. Paints which do not have the right viscosity will be difficult-to-apply on walls. Such paintworks won’t look good too. Therefore buy fumed silica for increasing the viscosity of your paint and spread them finely on the walls & other areas to have a great finish.

It is used as a light diffuser in cosmetics

Fumed silica is used not only for absorbing moisture & for thickening liquids but it is also used in cosmetics. The light diffusing property of fumed silica is the reason for using it in manufacturing cosmetics. The fumed silica diffuses light and helps you in having an evenly looking makeup. Hence many of the cosmetic industries use fumed silica – while creating their esteemed products.

It is used in cement concrete

Fumed silica is also used in manufacturing cement concrete. It helps in increasing the bond strength and compressive strength of concrete. It also helps the cement concrete in resisting abrasions well. Therefore fumed silica acts as a basic ingredient that helps in fortifying cement concrete. Buy high quality silica cement from silica cement suppliers in India for ensuring enough strength of buildings that you construct.

Fumed silica acts a good desiccant by absorbing moisture around it and helps in keeping materials dry – away from moisture. It is used in powders as an anti caking agent. Use fumed silica for fortifying your cement concrete. Fumed silica assist concrete in becoming abrasive resistant and increases the compressive strength and bond strength of it. If you are into cosmetic industry, then use fumed silica and get benefited by its light diffusing property. Fumed silica has so many applications and is used by most of the manufacturing industries to create a wide range of products. Use only superior fumed silica as a key ingredient in your products for ensuring high customer satisfaction.

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