Naturopathy (natural medicine) is an alternative method of treatment based on the idea of self-healing of a person due to the maintenance of a correct way of life and the application of natural techniques (aromatherapy and others). Make sure you contact us now if you want to get a consultation with a specialist.
What is naturopathy?
Naturopathy differs from conventional therapeutic methods in that its main goal is the treatment of a person, not his illness, whereas official medicine uses narrower approaches and does not view the body as an integral system. Doctors in hospitals prescribe drugs that act on a sick organ, and naturopathy seeks to heal the whole body through natural processes. These natural processes mean proper nutrition, adherence to the work and rest regime, physical exercises and water procedures.
The goal of naturopaths is to involve patients in a healthy lifestyle, and treatment of the disease is considered a secondary goal.
Naturopathy in many respects echoes with the eastern methods of treatment, but at the same time it gravitates towards the Western approach, which seeks to give a scientific basis to alternative methods of treatment.
Official medicine has never recognized the natural therapies offered by naturopathy, since it has never recognized (and does not recognize) that a person has not only a body, but a soul, and the body’s treatment must be carried out in parallel with the treatment of the soul.
Principles and methods of naturopathy
There are following principles of naturopathy:
The doctor does not give instructions to the patient, the doctor for the patient is a partner.
The doctor must take into account the patient’s mental state, and not just the symptoms of his illness.
Invasive interventions need to be used extremely rarely.
In their work, naturopaths use methods of psychology, aromatherapy, leech therapy, music therapy, phytotherapy, homeopathy. In addition, sometimes less well-known therapeutic methods are used: treatment through contact with animals, sun treatment, treatment through contact with trees, treatment with a magnetic field, and the like.
As you can see, naturopaths and their patients have plenty to choose from, even the most dubious patients can choose absolutely safe methods, for example, treatment through contact with trees.
The popularity of naturopathy in the world
As strange as it may seem, naturopathy is most popular in countries that are famous throughout the world for their developed network of official medical institutions. This is primarily England, the United States and Germany. In the States, hypnosis, acupuncture, curative starvation is popular, in Germany – cleansing of the intestines, curative starvation, in England – phytotherapy, chiropractic. In Russia in recent years, natural medicine has also acquired many supporters. Most often our compatriots turn to homeopathic doctors, as well as undergo acupuncture or hirudotherapy.
Techniques of naturopathy have long been practiced both in European and Western countries, and these methods are collected from all over the world. The founder of modern naturopathy is German Sebastian Kneipp, thanks to the development of which in Germany currently employs more than 120 naturopathy centers practicing health improvement through water procedures. The very term “naturopathy” appeared at the beginning of the last century.
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